Learning the History of the 1700s Cookie Press with an Interview from Culinary Historian, Greg Funk

Verde Mantis and The Wyck House have teamed up on a project to preserve history. We are using 3D scanning and 3D Printing technology to digitize and fabricate a copy of an original 1700s cookie press in the Wyck House Collection.

We are re-creating one of Wyck’s most beloved artifacts, its New Year’s Cake Press, using modern 3D printing technology. The Wyck Association has an heirloom cookie press that has been used to make cookies at the Wyck House for the last 200+ years. It’s still functional, but is very delicate due to its age. Watch this video to see the team receive the cookie molds and other goodies.

Our team wanted to learn more about the 1700s cookie press. In this interview, Historian and Chef Gregory Funk discusses the history of the 1700s cookie press... which in its time was known as a “New Year’s Cake Print”.

Learn more in this video interview:


Eager to learn more? So was our team! Watch this in depth video to learn more about the New Year’s Cake Tradition with the Culinary Historian, Greg Funk.


Additional photos related to the 1700s New Year’s Cookie Print, courtesy of The Wyck House